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Lakshmi kangan stor

Retailer • Mandsaur • Barkheda Panth
Hansraj patidar owns Lakshmi kangan stor
Owned By Hansraj patidar
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Owner Name
Hansraj patidar
Message Hansraj patidar via Anar
Barkheda Panth, Mandsaur, 458664

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Very Responsive
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Total 75 enquiries
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Last seen 12 days ago
Gems, Jewellery and Ornaments
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Years of Experience on Anar
1 year
Working Hours
9AM to 9PM
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is Lakshmi kangan stor located?
Lakshmi kangan stor is located in Barkheda Panth, Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh.
2. How can I find more information about Lakshmi kangan stor and its products?
Lakshmi kangan stor is owned by Hansraj patidar, and deals in Gems, Jewellery and Ornaments. You can find more information about Lakshmi kangan stor and its products by visiting their profile on Anar. Browse through the product categories and get in touch with the business directly for specific inquiries.
3. How can I verify if Lakshmi kangan stor is a legitimate business?
Lakshmi kangan stor has a profile on Anar. Anar verified the contact details of the business before listing them.
4. Does Lakshmi kangan stor provide customer support?
Yes, Lakshmi kangan stor provides customer support. You can contact them through their Anar profile, where they will be available via Chat, Call, or WhatsApp for any assistance you may require.
5. What is the shipping process for Lakshmi kangan stor products?
To learn about the shipping process for Lakshmi kangan stor products, visit their Anar profile and contact them directly. You can directly order products from the seller using Anar SafeDeal. You can pay 10% in advance for the order and pay the rest 90% of the order as cash on delivery. Anar guarantees return for damaged products.
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